CasinoCoin(CSC) is excited to announce a new partnership with the XRP Junkies, allowing the addition of casino-type games to the Junkiverse Lobby. Soon you’ll be able to utilize CSC for games inside of a new web3 metaverse environment.
What is the Junkiverse?
Built inside of a transcontinental railway system, the Junkiverse is a play-to-earn MMO metaverse, with a primary focus of making games fun for players. This includes large worlds that span across multiple universes where players can gather resources and craft, while having social interactions using blockchain technology. Coordinate with other players to rebuild society and scavenge primitive technology to repurpose the ever-expanding Undercity located beneath modern day San Francisco.
Virtual ID (NFTs)
Each character in the Junkiverse will have an associated NFT that includes a unique virtual identification with various attributes, mutations, personalities, and anomalies. The genesis collection includes 300 unique traits and DNA that will establish the first generation. Included with these traits are unique skinned avatars, skill sets, and personalities.
Players are free to hang out in the Junkiverse Lobby to experience several games that are free to play and/or monetized with the addition of casino games. It is even possible to play one game while being in the queue for another. This is an excellent partnership for CasinoCoin. With over 15 years of development experience, the Junkiverse developers aim to be pioneers of web3 with us.
XRP Junkies: